Are Electric Toothbrushes Really Better for Your Teeth?

electric toothbrush

A good toothbrushing routine is the foundation of an effective preventive dental care plan. Electric and manual toothbrushes both remove dental plaque that otherwise cause tooth decay and gum disease, but electric toothbrushes can be easier to use.

  • An electric toothbrush has bristles that rotate or vibrate, providing more micro-movements every time you brush your teeth to help remove plaque buildup. Studies have found that generally, they are more effective at reducing plaque compared with manual toothbrushes.
  • People with limited mobility can find it difficult to hold a manual toothbrush comfortably. An electric toothbrush is designed to do most of the work for you, and the larger handle is easier to grasp firmly.
  • You need to brush your teeth for two minutes each time to clean all tooth surfaces effectively. Electric toothbrushes usually have built-in timers making the task easier.
  • Toothbrushes need replacing every three months or sooner if they begin to look worn. With an electric toothbrush, you only need to replace the head rather than throwing away a manual toothbrush.
  • Anyone with braces needs to ensure they clean around braces thoroughly. Using an electric toothbrush can make it easier to brush more easily.

However, if you prefer a manual brush and have an excellent brushing routine, it should do just as good a job of keeping your teeth clean as an electric brush.