Your bags are packed, the flights are booked and your passport’s up-to-date and awaiting an array of new international new stamps. But what do you need to consider when it comes to looking after your pearly whites when on holidays or enjoying an extended trip away?
Here’s how travel can affect your teeth, and our top tips for maintaining your all-important dental health while enjoying the travel experience.
Whether you’re travelling overseas or just enjoying an interstate road trip, travel tends to involve a major change to your routine. That may mean you’re not brushing or flossing your teeth at the usual times of day or you’re not paying as much attention to the bushing process as normal.
Wherever you are in the world, the key tip here is to have a toothbrush handy, so you can brush and floss when the opportunity arises, and there’s nothing like a quick freshen up after a long day on the road or an international flight.
When we say quick, we still mean brushing two minutes approximately twice daily, and flossing at least once a day. You may be undertaking this dental hygiene routine in unusual places, like public bathrooms, but a thorough clean is still important.
Meanwhile, if you’re in overseas countries where you’re concerned about the water quality, try to have bottled water available to help brush your teeth.
Chances are the foods you consume will also be different when you’re experiencing new places. It might also mean you’re a little more relaxed when it comes to sugar consumption, including the sugars contained in alcohol.
This makes regular cleaning all the more important, as sugar directly causes plaque buildup which can lead to cavities in your teeth. And of course, where possible try to limit sugar intake and opt for healthy choices like fruit instead.
All that sightseeing, road tripping and exploring might mean you are consuming less water than usual. Try to have bottled water with you and remember to keep up that water intake. Rinsing your mouth with water after a meal can help reduce any sugars you may have consumed and flush out food debris.
Meanwhile, dehydration can lead to a dry mouth which can alter the pH balance, and that can potentially make you more prone to plaque and cavities.
A pre-trip checkup
If you’re going away for an extended period of time or your trip is likely to coincide with your next dental appointment, schedule a quick scale, clean and checkup before you head off.
By visiting your dentist in advance of a lengthy trip, you ensure your teeth are in the best condition and can fix any potential problems before they become costly dental issues far from home.
Dental emergencies
A dental emergency can be a real inconvenience when travelling, especially if you’re overseas where treatment may be hard to come by or expensive.
It might be prudent to take out travel insurance in advance of your trip. And have your dentist’s contact details with you, so they can advise you what to do should something go wrong.
About Brite Dental
Brite Dental is a community-focused dental practice, committed to ensuring you and your family receive the highest quality of care in a warm and professional environment.
Offering a full range of dental services ranging, from children’s dentistry through to high-end cosmetic dentistry, we are conveniently located in central Panania.
You can learn more about our dental services, or contact us to book your next appointment.